Module: BSKUtil
BSKCHAR* BSKStringReplace( BSKCHAR* primary,
BSKCHAR* target,
BSKCHAR* replacement,
BSKUI32 from );
- primary - the string to search for (and replace) the given
target pattern in.
- target - the target pattern to search for in 'primary'.
- replacement - the string to replace the target pattern with.
- from - the index after which to begin searching (0-based).
Returns: the new string, or 0 if the pattern was not found
in the primary string.
Searches 'primary' for the first appearance of 'target', at or after
'from', and replaces 'target' with 'replacement.' The string is
returned. If 'target' is not found in 'primary', this function
returns 0.
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Last updated on 9 Feb 2001 by Jamis Buck (