Basilisk Data Types
Below is a list of the data types defined in Basilisk.
- BSKBitSet
Module: BSKBitSet
An array of BIT_SET_SIZE
32-bit integers, treated as a set.
Module: bsktypes.h
A boolean type.
Module: bsktypes.h
A character type.
- BSKConsoleHook
Module: BSKExec
Used by the VM as a callback function when text has been requested to be
printed to a "console." The type defines a function with the following
BSKI32 consoleHookFunc( BSKCHAR* message, BSKExecutionEnvironment* env, BSKNOTYPE userData )
'message' is the text to be displayed, 'env' is the current state of the virtual machine,
and 'userData' is an application specific cookie that was passed to the
BSKExec function. This function should return 0
if the request was handled, and non-zero otherwise.
Module: bsktypes.h
A double-precision floating point value.
Module: bsktypes.h
A floating point value (generic).
- BSKI16
Module: bsktypes.h
A 16-bit signed integer value.
- BSKI32
Module: bsktypes.h
A 32-bit signed integer value.
Module: bsktypes.h
An 8-bit signed integer value.
Module: bsktypes.h
An untyped pointer value (void*).
- BSKParserErrorHandler
Module: BSKParse
Callback function used to report errors during parsing. The function has the
following "signature:"
BSKI32 parserErrorFunc( BSKI32 code, BSKDatabase* db, BSKCHAR* message, BSKToken* token, BSKUI32 data, BSKNOTYPE userData )
'Code' will be one of the PE_xxx constants, 'db' is the
database as it currently exists in the parse, 'message' is any additional message that should
be displayed, 'token' is the current token in the parser, 'data' is any error-specific data (see
the description of each error code), and 'userData' is an application-specific cookie that was
passed to the BSKParse function. This function should
return 0 if the error was handled, and non-zero otherwise.
- BSKRuntimeErrorHandler
Module: BSKExec
Callback function used to report errors during script execution. It has the
following "signature:"
BSKI32 runtimeErrorFunc( BSKI32 code, BSKCHAR* message, BSKExecutionEnvironment* env, BSKNOTYPE userData )
The code will be one of the RTE_xxx constants, 'message'
(if non-null) is additional text to be displayed, 'env' is the current state of the virtual
machine, and 'userData' is an application-specific cookie that was passed to the
BSKExec function. This function should return 0
if the error was handled, and non-zero otherwise.
- BSKTokenId
Module: BSKTokens
An integer type used to identify tokens.
Module: bsktypes.h
A 16-bit unsigned integer value.
Module: bsktypes.h
A 32-bit unsigned integer value.
Module: bsktypes.h
An 8-bit unsigned integer value.
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Last updated on 9 Feb 2001 by Jamis Buck (