Basilisk Structures
Below is a list of structures used in Basilisk.
- BSKArray
Module: BSKArray
Represents a dynamic array of BSKValue elements.
- BSKAttribute
Module: BSKThing
Represents one attribute of a BSKThing. Each
attribute has exactly one BSKValue.
- BSKAttributeDef
Module: BSKAttributeDef
Represents a definition of an attribute in the database. Every attribute
to be used must be defined via one of these items and stored in the list
of attribute definitions in the database.
- BSKCategory
Module: BSKCategory
Represents an ordered set of unique items that may be null, a BSKThing,
a BSKCategory, or a BSKRule.
- BSKCategoryEntry
Module: BSKCategory
Represents a single entry in a BSKCategory.
- BSKCategoryMember
Module: BSKCategory
An abstract object that may represent either a BSKThing,
a BSKCategory, or a BSKRule.
- BSKDatabase
Module: BSKDatabase
Contains all items.
- BSKExecOpts
Module: BSKExec
The options to pass to BSKExec. It's members are:
- BSKDatabase* db - the database to use during execution.
- BSKUI32 ruleId - the identifier of the rule to execute.
- BSKUI32 parameterCount - the number of parameters being
- BSKValue** parameters - an array of 'parameterCount' values
- BSKValue* rval - the variable that will hold the return value of
the rule.
- BSKRuntimeErrorHandler errorHandler -
the callback routine that will handle runtime errors.
- BSKConsoleHook console - the callback routine
that will handle console output.
- BSKNOTYPEuserData - application-specific data that
will be passed to the callback routines.
- BSKBOOL* halt - pointer to a boolean that, if set to
BSKTRUE during script execution, will cause the VM to cease processing instructions.
- BSKExecutionEnvironment
Module: BSKExec
An object representing the current state of the virtual machine.
- BSKExecutionStackItem
Module: BSKExec
One item on the execution stack of the virtual machine.
- BSKIdentifierTable
Module: BSKIdentifierTable
A table of recognized identifiers.
- BSKIdentifierTableEntry
Module: BSKIdentifierTable
One entry in the table of recognized identifiers.
- BSKLexer
Module: BSKLexer
The scanner module (used by the parser).
- BSKRule
Module: BSKRule
A single database entity representing program logic.
- BSKStackFrame
Module: BSKExec
One execution stack frame in the virtual machine, corresponding to a single rule.
- BSKStream
Module: BSKStream
The I/O object.
- BSKSymbolTable
Module: BSKSymbolTable
A table of recognized symbols.
- BSKSymbolTableEntry
Module: BSKSymbolTable
One entry in the table of recognized symbols.
- BSKThing
Module: BSKThing
A single database entity representing program data.
- BSKToken
Module: BSKTokens
A scanned token.
- BSKUnitDefinition
Module: BSKUnitDefinition
One definition of a unit in the database, which may be relative to another
defined unit.
- BSKValue
Module: BSKValue
An object representing any of the possible values in the database.
- BSKVariable
Module: BSKVariable
A temporary storage area used during rule execution.
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Last updated on 9 Feb 2001 by Jamis Buck (